China, EAR, Export Compliance, Export Controls, Foreign Direct Product Rule, ITAR
It’s common knowledge that China exports heavily to the United States. But lost in the headlines about the prickly relationship between the two countries is how much the U.S. exports to China. While the trade balance remains strongly in China’s favor, the United...
China, EAR, Export Controls, Hong Kong, Taiwan
As export markets for U.S. businesses, Hong Kong and Taiwan share enough similarities that they’ve often been considered together in discussions about trade with the Pacific Rim. But due to changing U.S.-China relations, these significant trading partners are headed...
China, Countries, Export Controls
In early June, President Biden signed Executive Order 14032, “Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments That Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of China.” This Executive Order (E.O.) recasts the Trump Administration Executive Order 13959 and...
BIS, China, Commerce Dept, Denied & Restricted Parties, Export License, Licensing, USA Regulations
By: Danielle Hatch There has been chatter that the Department of Commerce will be reducing the US-made content (“de minimis”) amount required for US reexports to be licensed to China. The change is said to be an attempt to squeeze Huawei even more past the addition of...